3 ---- SPECIALS ----

3 amigurumi: in fact, it only means a little, cute - knitted or crocheted - stuffed - puppet or animal; but then, where would I categorise a crocheted tea-cup and a knitted cell phone? So, to me, it involves all knitted or crocheted stuffed stuff.
3 comment: like this post: some explanation or things I wanted to say, but, by exception: no free instructions.
3 counted: a counted pattern can be used for many a things, even if it's made for filet crochet, you can use it as a cross stitch pattern, or for tapestry crochet, or ...
3 edging: to embellish a handkerchief, doily, towel, ... crochet or knit or ... a nice edging
3 embellishments: will be on a separate chapter, to keep the overview: see "4 ---- EMBELLISHMENTS ----"
3 granny: yarn tile: a little figure, mostly a square, made out of yarn, which can be sewed together to become a blanket, a cushion, ...
3 picture: a picture may be used for many purposes, it may be transformed in a window paint, you can use it in a card design, embroider it,  ... and mostly you can give it to a child to color it  ;-)
3 plarn: or plastic yarn: most stuff made of yarn can be made with plarn too, but since not that many people know it, and are curious to know what really can be made out of it, I give it an extra label. (for special people with a strange mom, like my son: normal yarn is recycled sheep, and can also be used with patterns for plarn) ((the poor kid, when I'm crocheting plarn outdoors, and people come closer to watch and ask what material I'm working with, I can see the question in his eyes: "are they from Mars or what ?". But last week I was crocheting baby shoes with regular soft yarn, HE came looking closer, and asked with what strange matereal I was working with, LOL. ))
3 site: blogs, sites and searches, where you can find more free patterns. It's impossible to put ALL links on my blog, and I can't include links with copyrighted pictures, and I only include links when there's a pattern. But with the links, you can surf and search for more. But remember while surfing, we people need some sleep too, LOL  ;-)

3 blog SEE "3 site"
3 embellishments SEE "4 trim ..."
3 recycle SEE "5 ReUse ..."

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